Even though we’ll likely have a mild winter in comparison to much of the country, it’s still a time of much to do, lists of food to make, and people to see. Therefore, it remains a rather inconvenient time to have to go house hunting. If you are in the process of looking for a new home during this busy time of year, don’t fret. The month of December is actually the best time to buy a home in Texas, and today Countywide Title would like to share just why that is. ;
When you’re looking for a home during the winter months, you are bound to see that the competition has been driven way down by the simple fact that not many potential buyers are out there during this season. ;
Likewise, you’re likely to find an owner who is willing to work with you. Keep in mind, as it does not feel like the ideal time to buy a home, it is definitely not the ideal time to sell. You can assume that if a house is on the market during these months, it is because it is necessary, thus finding an owner who is eager to get things done. ;
Lastly, in the month of December you will find interest rates more than 10% below the annual average. What this means for you of course, is less interest and perhaps even more home for your money. ;
Granted, it is not the best time to sell, but buying during this time certainly has its advantages. Once you’ve
found the right neighborhood and home, remember the importance of getting a title search on the new property.
For title insurance in Plainview, contact us to see how we can assist you at
(806) 293-8363.